WWW Wednesday 6 – March – 2019

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I have gotten through a few books and wanted to join WWW Wednesday this week!

The Three W’s for WWW Wednesday are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?


I am currently reading, The Power by Naomi Alderman.  Here’s the thing – I was pretty excited to read this book.  I thought the concept of a gender power shift was intriguing – women would no longer have to feel the possible threat of being overpowered by a man.  The book isn’t all that, though.  I am kind of disappointed.  The use and misuse of this power isn’t my thing.  I am ready for this one to be over.

What did you recently finish reading?


Recently I finished reading the Tattooist of Auschwitz by, Heather Morris.  For a while, I thought the book was just okay – that the main character really did have nine lives, so to speak, which made it a little unbelievable because he was still a prisoner in a concentration camp.  I really enjoyed the end, and when I read the family account of this character realizing the book was based on a true story – well it made me appreciate the book more.


Before that I read Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman.  This book was a delight to read.  Eleanor’s character made you laugh out loud with her matter of fact ways.  From Eleanor:

“Free-form jigging, communal shapes in the air; Dancing was easy!…YMCA! YMCA! Arms in the air, mimicking the letters – what a marvelous idea! Who knew that dancing could be so logical? …From my limited exposure to popular music, people did seem to sing about umbrellas and fire starting and Emily Bronte novels, so, I supposed, why not a gender-and faith-based youth organization?”


“No thank you,” I said. “I don’t want to accept a drink from you, because then I would be obliged to purchase one for you in return, and I’m afraid I’m simply not interested in spending two drinks’ worth of time with you.”

It is not stated that Eleanor is on the autism spectrum, but you can certainly feel a lot of autism traits in her mannerisms, thought and speech.  Eleanor was a delightful character, and the book was very enjoyable as you continue to read and learn more Eleanor Oliphant and why she tries to be completely fine.


Before that I read where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens.  I also really enjoyed this book.  This book was special because I had hours to read one day and just tore right through this one.  It was a story you wanted to keep reading about a main character you wanted to see survive and thrive.


Before that I read The Tsar of Love and Techno by Anthony Marra.  I also really enjoyed this book.  The book was set up like a mixed tape – the first chapters of the book were side A and told separate stories of individuals during war-time.  In the middle there was an interlude – a chapter separated into different parts and of change to our characters stories.  The last chapters of the book were side B and gave us the outcomes of the previous stories through different characters.  How the characters and stories intertwined was truly remarkable and thoroughly enjoyable.

What do you think you’ll read next?

I’m not really sure, to be honest.  The Power is taxing me so I guess it will depend on how negative I will feel when it was done and what kid of book I will want to read next.  Keep you posted!

Thank you guys at Taking on a World of Words for hosting WWW Wednesday!

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